Monday, September 2, 2019

Top 10 Dogs That Shed The Most

It’s no secret that dogs shed. However, is that really too big of a price to pay when it comes to welcoming home one of the most loyal and loving friends you’ll ever have?

The truth is most breeds shed. It’s not their fault and there’s really nothing that they can do about it. At the same time, that doesn’t mean that people want their entire home to be covered in fur. Some people don’t see shedding as much of an issue. On the other hand, some people can’t stand it. You should definitely avoid the following dogs that shed the most if you want to keep your home as hair-free as possible.

Shedding Dogs

10 Breeds That Constantly Shed

1. Akita
2. Alaskan Malamute
3. American Eskimo
4. Cardigan Welsh Corgi
5. Chow Chow
6. Saint Bernard
7. Great Pyrenees
8. Siberian Husky
9. Golden Retriever
10. Belgian Sheepdog

1. Akita

Breeds That Shed

Akitas are beautiful dogs. However, they originate from high elevation mountains in Japan. For this reason, they have thick fur to keep them warm. Since their coat is short many people might think from looking at them that shedding wouldn’t be much of an issue. Keep in mind, looks can be deceiving. This breed is notorious for shedding constantly thanks to their double-layered coat.

2. Alaskan Malamute

Dogs That Shed The Most

This breed has an interesting history. Believe it or not, they were actually bred to carry heavy loads in the harshly cold environment of Alaska. Surely these dogs needed to stay warm which actually caused their coats to become thick and fluffy. Alaskan Malamutes are great dogs, but their coat will need lots of attention if you want to minimalize their shedding.

3. American Eskimo

Which Breeds Shed The Most?

Judging from their size, you probably wouldn’t think that this breed would shed a lot. The truth is these little guys constantly shed. Despite their size, they can quickly cover everything in a layer of fur. This is definitely not the right breed for someone looking for a low maintenance dog that doesn’t require constant brushing.

4. Cardigan Welsh Corgi

Dogs That Excessively Shed

If you don’t mind your home constantly being covered in fur, this could be the breed for you. Be warned, while they may be small in size, Cardigan Welsh Corgis have a thick double coat that literally never stops shedding. Your new BFF will typically shed year-round. Make sure you’re ready for the time and commitment it will take to properly care for your new family member.

5. Chow Chow

Chows And Shedding

I think this breed might be a little more obvious. After all, one look at a Chow’s thick and fluffy coat makes it pretty clear that shedding will be an issue. However, if you can move past this, this breed actually makes a great addition to nearly any family. Since they were originally used as guard dogs in China, loyalty is ingrained in their genetic makeup which is always a huge plus.

6. Saint Bernard

Top Shedding Dog Breeds

If you’re familiar with this breed you’re probably aware of the fact that Saint Bernards have two different coats. One type is short-haired while the other is long. One would think that they should be able to avoid excessive shedding by going for the shorter coat type, right? Likely surprising to many would be that both types shed quite a bit. You’ll be doing a lot of brushing if you bring one of these gentle giants home.

7. Great Pyrenees

High Maintenance Shedding Dogs

There’s really no other way to explain the look of this breed other than stunning. Their beautiful white coat is nothing less than gorgeous. However, beauty usually comes at a cost and that’s certainly the case when it comes to minimalizing shedding with a Great Pyrenees.

8. Siberian Husky

Do Siberian Huskys Shed?

Being one of the most vocal dogs, Siberian Huskys are also notorious for shedding. It’s kind of funny when you think about it, but the same thing that gives these dogs their beautiful appearance is also what leads to a lot of clean up. This breed has a medium-length double coat that tends to shed year-round.

9. Golden Retriever

Dogs That Shed A Lot

Overall, it’s hard to find any downfalls with this breed except when it comes to those who really can’t stand shedding. They may make a perfect family dog, but they also make excellent shedders. Once again, a thick double coat is to blame. Regular brushing may spare your furniture, but you likely won’t be able to completely eliminate shedding fur.

10. Belgian Sheepdog

Top Dogs That Shed The Most

Belgian Sheepdogs have a lot to offer. They’re easy to train, they get along excellently with children, they adapt well to most living environments and they love to please their humans. However, they’re also one of the top shedding dogs. Constant brushing and grooming will be an absolute must unless you like the idea of everything in your home being covered in your BFF’s fur.

There you have it. Now you know which breeds shed the most. Hopefully, this information can help you avoid any surprises when welcoming home a new family member. The last thing anyone wants is to be misled about a dog’s shedding level.

Keep in mind, almost all breeds shed. The truth is, you should prepare yourself to take good care of your furry friend. Regular baths and twice a week brushing will cut down on the amount of fur your dog sheds. Plus, it will give you some valuable time together. Realistically speaking, with enough care and attention, almost any breed’s shedding can be managed.

The post Top 10 Dogs That Shed The Most appeared first on Lens And Leash.



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