Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Top 10 Best Guard Dogs

Home is our own little place in the world to relax. In reality, it’s basically the only place we have where we can let our guard down, kick our shoes off and forget about all of the crazy things happening the world. The most important thing is that it’s where we feel the safest. Have you been feeling a little uneasy at home lately? No need to worry. All of that could change with one of these top 10 best guard dogs.

Having a dog at home offers so much more than protection. Anyone with a fur baby at home knows that it means having a BFF and a companion that shows loyalty that’s hard to find with people. So, you could set up an appointment to have a security system wired in your home, or you could bring home a ball of joy.

Hopefully, this list helps you make up your mind.

The Best Guard Dogs

10 Amazing Guard Dogs

  1. Moscow Watchdog
  2. American Staffordshire Terrier
  3. American Pit Bull Terrier
  4. Doberman Pinscher
  5. Rottweiler
  6. Kuvasz
  7. Boerboel
  8. Beauceron
  9. Bucovina Shepherd
  10. Cane Corso Italiano

1. Moscow Watchdog

Top Guard Dog Breeds

With the term watchdog being in this breeds name, it really shouldn’t be shocking that they make incredible guard dogs. A large size and muscular build make Moscow Watchdogs rather intimidating which is sure to keep intruders away. They’re also surprisingly agile which allows them to chase unwanted visitors away in a hurry. However, they are quite kind, friendly and gentle with their humans.

2. American Staffordshire Terrier

10 Guard Dog Breeds

If you’ve ever seen this breed up close, it’s probably pretty clear to you why they are on this list. American Staffordshire Terriers are unbelievably tough, territorial, and quite muscular. These things combined create the ultimate guard dog. However, this breed definitely benefits from early training. It’s important to help them curve potentially aggressive behaviors.

3. American Pit Bull Terrier

Which Breeds Make The Best Guard Dogs?

Unfortunately, these guys have developed a bad name. The sad part is that most of the stories you’ve heard are the result of bad people, not bad dogs. American Pit Bull Terriers are actually incredibly loving and loyal, and they also make great protectors. Proper training is advised with this breed and at times that can be a bit challenging. I can tell you one thing though. With a Pit in your front window, your house will be the last target an intruder picks.

4. Doberman Pinscher

The Top Guard Dogs

Dobermans are intimidating, to say the least. A tall stature, muscular body and incredibly fast speeds make this breed one of the best guard dogs you can find. Plus, they tend to bond very well with their humans. Their intelligence also offers easy training which is always a huge plus.

5. Rottweiler

Best Dog Breeds For Protection

Rottweilers are another breed that will usually either keep intruders away entirely or have them running from the first bark. It’s no secret that this breed can become aggressive. Would you want to be taken down by a Rottweiler? Neither would I and any potential trespassers will likely agree. While this breed has the potential to be aggressive, they’re actually great with their humans if enough training and love are given to them at a young age.

6. Kuvasz

Best Dog Breeds For Protection

With such a beautiful coat, you might think that people would be drawn to this dog and not be intimidated by it at all. I assure you, if you don’t belong somewhere, the facade put on by this breed’s beautiful looks will quickly fade away. These dogs are quite large and very powerful which makes them ideal for protection. They also don’t like strangers which can be a plus but a downfall at the same time. Just make sure you’re careful when introducing someone to your furry protector for the first time.

7. Boerboel

Bert Option For A Guard Dog

A long history as a protector has definitely given this breed plenty of opportunities to earn some accolades. Believe it or not, Boerboels were actually bred for the sole purpose of being a guard dog. This definitely shows and it’s safe to say that these guys will stop at nothing to protect your home. This is another breed that can become a bit overprotective though so it’s important to monitor interactions between new people and animals.

8. Beauceron

Keep Your Home Safe With A Guard Dog

There are so many different reasons that this Beaucerons make excellent guard dogs that it’s hard to name them all. They’re loyal, protective, gentle with their family, loving, and they even like to work. This breed has been used for a long time as a cattle protector and herder, guard dog, and family companion. For all these reasons, plus many more, they’re hard to beat when it comes to keeping your home safe.

9. Bucovina Shepherd

Dogs For Home Protection

Similar to the Beauceron, Bucovina Shepherds have a long history in protecting cattle. This drive to keep the herd safe transfers over to those they consider to be in their pack. In other words, these guys will put their life on the line to ensure you’re safe. Keep in mind, this breed is accustomed to colder climates. They might not be the best option for someone living in a hot environment.

10. Cane Corso Italiano

These Guard Dogs Are The Best

Yet another exotic breed, the Cane Corso Italiano has been used as a guard dog and farm protector for centuries. This is definitely not a dog that you would want to get into a tangle with and any would-be intruders will figure that out quickly. On the other hand, they make excellent family dogs thanks to their gentleness and ability to form bonds with children.

As you can see, there are some canines out there that make incredible protectors. Some may fit a certain person’s needs while others may not. That’s why it’s so important to learn as much about a breed as you can before bringing one into your household. The important thing is to make sure everyone is happy, including your furry guardian.

The post Top 10 Best Guard Dogs appeared first on Lens And Leash.

from https://lensandleash.com/best-guard-dog-breeds/


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